23 March 2008

Springtime for Iowa

I've already celebrated Spring blog-style, and now it seems like its kinda retracted itself. The warmer temps have kinda stuck around (thank goodness), but its often cloudy, kinda rainy, and somewhat windy. But hey, its a step in the right direction!

Things I've noticed recently:

-Working a "normal" 8 hour shift (even if it does start at 6:30 am) makes life much easier to face than working a split shift. I've had access to both sleep and free time! What a novel concept!

-A house is much easier to keep clean when there are fewer people living in it.

-Having an unclear direction in life kinda sucks.

-Getting birthday cards and packages is awesome, and spirit-lifting.

-I forgot how much mud accompanies the spring thaw. Seeing ground again is awesome, but stepping on it isn't so awesome.

-I find joy in making others happy.

-I rarely like spending time alone.

-Realizing what it is that you want in life makes it harder. Getting by day to day is easy, every day you eat, you meet your goal. Realizing that you want more means you need to actually do something about it and plan ahead. Hard to do when plans are up in the air.

-I think the near constant cloudiness is bringing me down.

-I never knew the extent to which anxiety can affect someone until I started my current job. Now I see it in myself alot. Probably more than what is healthy.

-Speaking of health, I had a physical last week. I believe the word the doctor used to describe my health was "outstanding". Well, before he saw my cholesterol scores :S. But they are border line, and summer is coming up, so real excersize is on the horizon.

-Moving furnerature around can really make a room look different.

-Every time I sleep at work I dream about work. Every single time. And its always bad scenerios.

-This blog is getting too long and paranoid.

_______ of the day: I want a 3 day weekend from life, not from work.

The needing-vacation Ogukuo

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