17 March 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day

I'm at work, and we have a 2 hour late start, I'm hoping it doesn't become a full snow day. That would be not awesome.
It's quiet around here. Dordt's out of session, and everyone is out of town. Almost everyone. I went skiing on Saturday with Dane. First time I'd gone in probably 5 years. It was fun. The skiing skills came back pretty quickly. While I wasn't too brave, I did hit some slopes I shouldn't have. Literally hit them. But, no major injuries, just general soreness and a constant attack of ibuprofen over the past few days. I very much want to go skiing again, but I'm guessing that'll wait til next season.
Yesterday marked the quarter century mark for my life. 25 years. Old. And since I fully intend to live to at least 100, I guess I've officially started my quarter life crisis. I would buy a convertable, but it would be impractical in Iowa. Then again, maybe impracticallity is the point. Meh, I'll wait til I'm 40 or 50.
All in all it was a pretty quiet birthday. Actually, a very typical Sunday. But without peoples around, there wasn't much to do. But thats ok, relaxing at home and talking to well-wishers on the phone was nice.
______ of the day: Hello Mary Lou, Goodbye Heart
The 25-year-old Ogukuo

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