09 March 2008

I had no idea what to blog about, so I just started writing...

So last night I was on the verge of going to bed at 11:30 because my life is just that exciting. But then Paul and company came over, and we went to WalMart and got stuffs to make cake, and did so to celebrate the anniversery Paul's entrance into this world. It was good times. The night before was celebrations of Andrew's birthday. Generally revelry and fun ensued both nights. Makes me really look forward to my birthday next weekend. Except not really, cause no one and there dog will be around. As of right now, the highlight of my birthday looks like it'll be a nap. Unless plans to go to Omaha pan out, but I'm not going to be optimistic about that, yet.

I could easily write an essay again about what I want to do, and careers and callings, etc etc, but I think I've done enough of that recently. Suffice to say, I'm considering teaching as a more real posibility, and this makes me very nervous and scared.

I was watching Survivorman last night, and was amazed by how much of a morale boost he got from finding some mini-shrimp to eat out in the jungle. But, I guess after not eating for four days, I would be pretty excited too. Makes me realize how easy I really have it. I mean, I have the day off tomorrow, and will certainly not be hunting for food, attempting to secure my hut against the elements, or warding off wild animals. More like hunting for something to do, securing groceries from the local store, and warding off the temptation to sit around and watch The Office all day.

Evidentally, we're supposed to experiance temps in the 40's and 50's this week. I should be excited about this, and I am. But I should be more excited about being excited. Sadly, being excited about temps in the 40's just seems so wrong to me. I want to be excited about temps the 60's, or 70's even. Ahhhhh, someday.

Thinking about the warmer temps and everything is making me want a BBQ something fierce. Not just the food, I mean the smell, and the outsideness, and the fun with friends, and the green grass, and the not snow.

And now its time to get back to reality and stop dreaming. At least for another month or so until there is a valid chance of BBQ weather.

______ of the day: A mild month of March means much merriness :)

The Marching Ogukuo

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