14 May 2008

Gas and golf and hermanutics

- I have a list of things I need to do in front of me. Such fun items as "do dishes" and "file paperwork from last 2 months" are on it. And for some reason, the only thought on my mind currently is GOLF!!!! I would love nothing more than to play 18 holes today. Of course, I haven't swung a golf club in 10 months, so if I did try to play a full round, I would probably die. Not to mention that I would score a 147 cause I'm terrible at golf. Perhaps a trip to the chipping green or driving range to slowly warm myself back into it...

- There is a pattern of mold on my bathroom ceiling that vaguely resembles South America. I wish so much for a vent fan. Which means I wish even more for a logical electrical system in our house so I could perform this simple installation.

- I watched the movie "Hot Rod" last night. I recommend it only if you have 87 minutes and several brain cells you are willing to give up. But it'll probably make you laugh a few times.

- I remembered yesterday that I got roped into working a 16 hour shift on Sunday. I guess its nice cause it's less PTO I need to use for my trip to Washington next week, but I'm gonna be rather cranky Sunday evening.

- I volunteered to work 16 hour days this summer. It may be nice, or I may need to reside in a room with rubber wallpaper because of it. I'm scared to find out.

- Kind Old King George sent me my economic stimulus check the other day. Like any good patriotic American, I dropped it right into my savings account. Maybe $600 will be enough to cover my gas costs for driving to Washington this summer.

- I have close to $100 in change (I'm guessing) sitting on top of my mini-fridge. I'm not quite sure what I want to do with it. I'll probably be boring and logical and use it to help pay for gas to move to Washington.

- I don't like it when I have to blog about paying for gas because its close to $4 a gallon.

- If we held a garage sale and sold everything that is being stored at our house I could retire very comfortably. I'd also be able to navigate the basement without tripping over many boxes and random furnerature.

______ of the day: I'm listening to The Velvet Underground. Hmmmmm.

The listless Ogukuo

10 May 2008


Three years ago I watched friends graduate and leave. I came back for my last year of college, and two years ago graduated myself, watching more friends leave. I watched more people leave a year ago. And again yesterday. And now I have a few months of Sioux Center summer without any Dordt students, and I'll be leaving myself. I won't be seeing any friends return to Dordt in the fall. I probably won't see any more Dordt plays, or attend NISO concerts, or concert choir shows. The people I hung out with earlier this week are people I dunno if I'll see again.

I really look forward to moving, starting a new job, exploring a new area, meeting new people, and being with Andrea; and I really am glad I'm leaving to do all of these things. But its right now that kinda sucks. Its tough realizing that all these extremely recent memories are going to remain just that, memories. Its hard to see that the Dordt chapter of my life is (finally) over, but knowing that the next chapter of my life doesn't really start for another three months makes waiting hard. Everyone else's life changed yesterday, they say goodbye and move on to a summer job, or a new career, or job hunting, or moving into Dad and Mom's basement. I was part of the goodbyes, but now I return to work and dishes and being short changed on sleep.

More and more each day I feel like my life in Washington is starting, and I'm just waiting on hold until August to join it. What do I do with the time inbetween? Especially for the next month! Well, like I said earlier, work, dishes, and lack sleep.

Despite this rather somber post, I'm really not sad about moving away. Quite the opposite, I'm very excited about it! I'm just sad to leave one life behind without being able to start my next one for three months.

______ of the day: Why did it have to be rainy today??

The stuck inside Ogukuo

07 May 2008

A lunch date with destiny

I saw my sister and brother-in-law yesterday for the first time since Thanksgiving. It was a good time, but we only got to visit for an hour or so. We had an interesting conversation about being people-oriented vs. task-oriented. My sister tends to be quite task-oriented, something inherited from both our parents. I tend to be task-oriented mentally, but people-oriented outwardly. This means that it bugs me to be behind schedule or whatever, but I'd still rather chat and pay attention to a person. Its ironic, because this conversation made me about 40 minutes late for work. Indeed, the person was more important than the task.

How much better off would we all be if everyone was people-oriented instead of task-oriented? We're all so focused on "what we need to do" that we lose sight of the human connection. I see this at the place were I spend most of my time besides my house. Everyone is so focused on getting "stuff" done right that the people really don't matter at all. Inservice after inservice address issues dealing with how things are done, but almost nothing is said about people. Nobody cares what we do, as long as we put the right spin on it when we write about it.

But before this totally falls into a blog about stupidity, I'll just quit and find lunch.

_____ of the day: does it even matter anymore?

The laughing-because-I-don't-care Ogukuo

05 May 2008

I love the smell of irony in the morning

Today at our weekly meeting I realized a wonderful dichotomy that really sums up my job. My official job title is "Certified Instructor". Its an appropriate title, right? I've always thought so. Part of my job is to write daily assessments of what each boy does with his time, and how we interact with them. And for reasons unbeknownst to me, people get really cranky when we actually do this. We are required to sugar coat everything to the point where someone reading these assessments would see no reason for our boys to be in a group home. We are even given a list of words that we are not allowed to use in writing these assessments. One of these words is "instruct". I'm not allowed to write "I instructed so-and-so to do their chores". Thus, by the very rules of my job as an instructor, I am not allowed to instruct.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I remove my hat and take a bow towards the bureaucracy that has contradicted itself into so many knots that I am not even allowed to live up to my job title.
I find this little nugget of irony to be not only hilarious, but also emblematic of what is wrong with my job.
Thats all I got for today; savor the irony, its pretty thick.
______ of the day: For some reason the word dunderhead comes to mind.
The ironic Ogukuo