31 January 2007

I hate it when I write up a tiddy little article and forget a title...

So I think my little blog temper tantrum on Sunday was indeed caused by lack of sleep/wacked out sleeping sch. Now that I'm back to being up all night and sleeping all day I feel better. Of course, the question remains of what to do every other weekend when I have off. I think most of the issue stemmed from goin to bed as late as I could (somewheres around 3 am usually) and then having no reason to really get up the next day, thus causing me to stay in bed or just in pajamas around the house til about 3 pm. Kinda made me sluggish the rest of the day when I was awake. But, now I don't have to worry about it for another week and a half, so I won't. Right now preoccupying my mind is a test I need to take next week to make me certified to administer drugs to the boys at the home. I'm told its not hard, but if I screw up I have to take the class (3 hour classes on 4 different nights) over again, and I don't wanna waste the time. Plus, if I pass, I getta put my signature and initials on doctory looking forms, making me feel all medical and doctor like. Between my love for M*A*S*H, my newfound love of Scrubs, and my horrible handwriting, I'm pretty sure I was meant to be a doctor. Alas, another hidden talent that shall remain hidden.
Well, I could rant on pointlessly, but I've gotta commetment to another blog that I should fulfill, so I think I'll call it quits and write a little story or something on my xanga site.
______ of the day: zoigdorf
The easy days night Ogukuo

28 January 2007

Sorrow and Salvation

You ever get in one of those moods where everything and everyone around you annoy the crap out of you? I'm in that mood right now for some reason. All I wanna do is listen to music (right now its Ethan Koerner playing on my iTunes) and ignore everything else around me. I think it may be because my sleep pattern is so screwed up since I'm on my 3 day weekend. As much as I like having the evenings off, staying up all night by myself sucks, and going to bed early doesn't work. I tried taking a sleeping pill to get to sleep early, theoretically allowing me to get up early the next day and actually be productive. Didn't work, ended up laying in bed (sometimes sleeping, sometimes not) for about 11 hours anyway. And then I was tired all day. So tonight I'm just gonna go to bed when I feel like it, get up when I wake up and make the most of it. And I know that tomorrow night at work is gonna really suck. Oh well, thats my life I guess.
______ of the day: "Somewhere someone is loving you"-Somewhere
The annoyed Ogukuo

26 January 2007

For all you artsy types...

There's a gallery opening Saturday night! In the Humble Bean. If you've happened to wander in there over the past few weeks you've probably noticed some new pieces adorning the walls, those would be my photography works. I'm holding the official opening Saturday evening, starting around 7. I'll be speaking a bit about the works at 7:30. I'm also bribing people with homemade carmel fudge brownies and M&M cookies and trail mix (not homemade). The last batch of brownies was taken out of the oven 2 minutes ago, literally. So if you are interested in photography, or just like baked goods come to the Bean Saturday evening.
Ok, done with the commercial, time for a blog. Everyone is either gone for good, gone for a while, or gone to ACTF. It's fricken boring around here!!! Last night I was so bored I had a sugar packet eating contest with some random guy in the grille. Ok, just kidding, I actually worked in the darkroom a bit and (surpise!) hung out in the Bean. In a moment of optimism I bought a roll of canvas at the bookstore. I tell myself I'm gonna use it to paint on. I hope it actually sees that use instead of sitting in my basement nicely folded up holding the carpet down. I have a 3 day weekend starting in a few hours. Tomorrow night will most likely end up being wasted (the time, not me) b/c no one is really around. Saturday night will be spent doing the art opening thing and attending the Peasants concert, which will hopefully lead to some sort of social gathering back at the townhouse. I'm hoping to find someone who has cable on Sunday night because the History channel is doing a special on Fort Knox then. Yeah, I lead such an exciting life. I accidentally called a friend of mine tonight who I haven't talked to since summer, and before that for years. In my phone contacts list she is SaraH, and I was trying to call my sister, Sarah. Stupid capital letters. But it was fun talking to her, kinda like opening a time capsule talking to someone you haven't for a long time. That last sentance was poorly written, but I don't feel like changing it, you know what I mean. I'm really really tired. The past few nights (er, days) I haven't gotten more than 6 good hours of sleep each. I was gonna take a nap tonight at work, but I ended up baking 2.5 dozen cookies and two pans of brownies, it took a long time. And now its too late, not worth trying to sleep. But, 7 am is but a few hours away, and then I shall find several hours of blissful unconscieness. I'm debating about dreading my hair, what do you think?
_______ of the day: Oh goodness, what are we gonna do with you?
The baked Ogukuo

22 January 2007

I just realized something rather odd. I wanna be single. For the time being, at least.
I was thinking thru the girls who I kinda like (all guys do that, girls do too, I'm sure) and was wondering what I would do if someone suddenly showed interest in me. Then I realized I kinda don't want that. I dunno why, I mean, I still am intersted in girls (some more than others obviously), but I realized that right now I just don't want a girlfriend. Its weird, I don't know what brought about this change, but to be honest, I'm quite thankful! I still know I want a girlfriend, but not right now. I'm rather blown away by the feeling, not used to it. Who knows, maybe its just something that will pass in a few hours, or days, or maybe it'll stick around for a while. Either way, it probably doesn't make any difference the outlook for me dating any time soon.
Well, just thought I would throw that out there for no particular reason other than I guess it would count as news.
That, and we have a new roommate who is official moved in now. Hes been in for 4 days or so, and I think I've seen him twice. Oh the crazy busy lives we lead.
______ of the day: I'm in pain from taking a spill on my bike
The limping (ok, not that bad) Ogukuo

19 January 2007

I'm poor, no really

Its the long week, 7 nights of work in a row. And a few training classes and an inservice on infectious disease control. I learned 3 things about the flu, first that influenza is derived from the Italian word for 'influence of the stars', secend that I can catch the flu by being around others who have the flu, and third, getting a solid 8 hours of sleep will help my immune system fight off the flu. So wait, I woke up after only 5 hours of sleep to learn the root of a word, that I should avoid sick people, and that not sleeping enough increases my chance of getting sick. Hmmmmmm
I also briefly went over my incoming cash trickle and my outgoing cash dam rupture. Seems to be that by my calculations, I'm poor (financially, at least). All I can say is that health insurance is the worst idea ever, and somebody who is not me is making a whole ton of money off that idea. And, student loans are worse than a space vacuum at sucking the life out of someone. I need to come up with a great idea, like the pet rock. The guy who invented that, he made a million dollars! Either that or I need to start taking pennies from the tray (not the jar, thats for the crippled children).
I just watched a History Channel special on vampires, it was the stupidest thing I've ever seen. I'm looking forward to next weeks Modern Marvels on balls. Should be bouncing.
______ of the day: neat
The rolling Ogukuo

16 January 2007

Short, unorganized, and boring

So yesterday when I called home (a Sunday tradition), my mom asked me if I had gone to church that morning. I, of course, said no, because I hadn't, and will probably never go to a morning service again while I have my current job. This didn't bode well with my mom, who believes I should still find a way to go to church in the morning. Well, the question of weather or not I'll be going to church in the mornings anytime soon is pretty much answered (no, duh), but it does bring up a valid question that is pretty obviously answered already too. Is it wrong for me to miss church because of my job, and my sleeping habits because of my job? Or should I just find a way to make it every Sunday morning? Despite that fact that it means either staying up about 4 hours later than normal, or start my normal sleep pattern only to get up 2 hours later? Obviously, either of these would mean that I basically would be sleeping in church, thus negating any reason for going in the first place. But, would I still earn my Heaven points for being there? Ok, I'm being sarcastic, obviously I don't think I stand in fear of being condemned for missing morning services. I won't get into a discussion about working on Sunday either, I already did that blog, mid December, I believe.
So now I leave you slightly confused, annoyed with my spelling and gross misuse of punctuation, and onto reading the next blog on your list. Have a good day!
_______ of the day: common floor spaces between lying dogs must be dangerous
The "7 day forcast for me=work" Ogukuo

12 January 2007

Catchy witty title

Yay for good stuff and things. So yesterday afternoon I went to the bean and started laying out my photography show with Matt. After seeing what I had and where it would be displayed I have some more work to do in the darkroom over the weekend, but I should be finished and have everything up on Monday. Just in time for school to start again. Debating about an art opening, if I'm gonna have one, and what it'll be like. Dunno yet, we'll see if it happens.
So I have about 2 more hours of work, and then I'm done til Monday night, I can't wait. It'll be the first decent break I've had since coming back to SC right before New Years. 3 whole days off in a row. And next weekend I'll be taking Saturday night off cause we got a show in OC. You (yes, you) should come to it. And speaking of you, whoever you are, you should come back to Sioux Center. Soon. If Dordt is officially in your past, come back and visit! If Dordt is in your present, come back!! Ok, thats my pathetic cry for the post, I'm done.
And now, I go back and watch more Boy Meets World on the Disney Channel. I'm in love with Tapanga. At least I was when I watched the show on TGIF. Anyone else remember those good old days?
_______ of the day: Yay Friday
The 309 Ogukuo

08 January 2007

Generic Post

Know whats semi-depressing? Hanging out with married couples. Ok, its fun. they are good friends and I love hanging out with them, but its depressing because alot of the people who are around and my age are married. Hurray for playing 3rd (or 5th) wheel!! (for those of you keeping score, chalk this one up as another 'I'm single' blog)
So my former roommate and I formulated a list of girls who I should persue. Unfortunately for me, said roomie is engaged, and therefore somewhat unknowledgeable of the current availability of the females in the area. He suggested several girls who are dating, and even a few married ones. Sigh. Once we cut out the attached girls, and those who I know would kill me in any sort of relationship, we came up with three. But really only two, cause one I barely know, and therefore wouldn’t go for. And the two remaining are awesome girls, and would probably not be interested in me. And, of course, the thought of me actually asking either of them is utterly unthinkable, as I am a coward. Perhaps I should work on that. That way I could actually ask a girl and get shot down instead of just wondering forever. I honestly don’t know which is worse. I know which is easier tho.
And thats enough on that. For tonight at least.
______ of the day: 7 work days in a row, I'm tired.
The "working" Ogukuo

06 January 2007

Odds and ends

Nothing major to blog about.....
Heard a country cover of Hinder's Lips of an Angel, and a little piece of me died inside. Now, granted, that song was never the greatest song ever written, but it was pretty good. That is, until it got played on the radio every 2 hours for 6 months straight. And then country-ized. So, it basically went from a decent listenable song to not even worth stopping on the radio dial for.
I just looked thru a photo album for one of the boys who lives here, James. He totally rocks. Always a smile on his face. Hes one of those guys who makes you feel better about life just by being around him. And he loves to sing, its fun to listen to him too.
Its the weekend. For most people at least, my first real day off is gonna be next Friday. I have Monday off, but I'm driving down to Omaha and back then. Its not a bad thing, and I don't mind it, just a lack of free time.
Another week and people start showing up again, right? Something like that? Looking forward to it, but its also gonna be sad, because alot of close friends aren't coming back :(.
I made a batch of M&M cookies tonight, they are pretty good. I also made chicken enchiladas to cook tomorrow night for dinner. With some ambition (often lacking) and flipping thru the cook book, hopefully this will happen more often. Actually, thats my next activity for tonight, looking thru the cook book for something else that looks tasty and easy to make. With any luck I may be self-sufficent yet. Well, in the food making realm, anyway. All I need now is my own clean, large, dishwasher-equiped, pantry equiped, stainless steel kitchen. Tomorrow I work on folding clothes...
I have a slight headache. Its been coming and going for the past week or so. Perhaps a sinus thing, seems to be a common theme for the past few winters.
My soul goal for tomorrow is to replace a hose on my car and hopefully revive it to running status. Doesn't sound hard, but you have to consider my a) lack of daylight in which to operate, as I don't get up til 3 pm, and my eyes aren't open til 4 at best, and b) my extreme ineptitude with anything resembling auto mechanics. If you happen to see my trapped under the hood of a car at any point, please render all assitance possible.
Well, I think this post is odd enough to end.
______ of the day: seeing daylight again at some point would be nice.
The nocturnal Ogukuo

01 January 2007

Happy 2007!!

Its here! Oh wait, its no different.... oh well, its a good excuse to have a party. Fun times for new years. More people that expected=awesomeness.
So heres a list of random resolutions I'm gonna make up as I go along...
1. excersize. Ok, not so random, cause I got the time at work to do it, and the reason, just lacking the ambition, working on that one.
2. find a girl. hmmm, yeah, been on the resolution list for several years now. Still hasn't happened. Perhaps it should be one of those 'I'm gonna do it if it so happens to be right' things instead of a 'I want the girl by years end' thing.
3. Adopt a pet ferrit
4. Find out the reason someone invented the buttom up fly, the stupidest idea ever.
5. Invest in a business no one has heard of now, but by years end is the biggest success ever.
6. Build my own guitar.
7. Read the LOTR trilogy and the Chronicles series.
8. Buy new socks and t-shirts.
9. Figure out how exactly Iowa Student Loans operates, as it is a great mystery.
10. Solve a Rubik's Cube in under 2 minutes.
11. Memorize my license plate number.
12. Never ever buy Barefoot champagne again.
13. Take down Decembers work sch and put up Januarys.
14. Not get bitten by a rabid dog.
15. Not get bitten by any kind of mouse.
16. Be involved in situations that lead to very amusing stories later.
17. Enjoying those moments as they happen.
18. Come and go as I please.
19. Invent something neat.
20. Shorten and liven up my blogs.
21. Go to bed now because I'm tired for some reason.
______ of the day: Does a new start mean things have to change?
The mostly unchanged Ogukuo