29 July 2006

Yet ANOTHER Saturday morning

So it seems Saturday morning posts are my thing now. You know those stories that start "It was just a regular day, nothing out of the ordinary, and then.........." well.........
It was just a regular day, nothing out the ordinary, and then, I started blogging!! Ha, yeah, thats my way of saying nothing is happening. Oh, but stuff has happened in the past week.
Last Saturday I ended up out at Oak Grove camping with several people. It was a blast. I got dirty, sweaty, dehydrated, and slightly feverish, and I loved every moment of it. I love camping so much. I kid you not when I say that when I design my yard eventually (yeah, I plan on doin my own), I will most assuredly be putting in several Ponderosa pine trees, same as what grow in the Sierra Nevada mountains in California. And an outside eating area, porch or something (more likely brick pavers), and a fire pit. And, of course, enough ground area for tents, etc. Yes, my backyard will be like a campground, I love it that much.
Speaking of designing my own yard.......I brought in some design work to Greenworld this past week as well. Its sounding good for me to move to design! w00t! I think they really liked what I had, and I know that I have some good ideas to help the design side of their business. I can't wait to start on that. We have a meeting with a computer rep in the next week sometime to discuss buying computers to use for design. The only downside to all of this is that this will make it harder to leave Greenworld to start touring with OJK. And thats something I thought about when I initially approached the uppers about this move. I mean, I have no qualms quitting if all I'm doin is fieldwork, they can find someone else to do that on some street corner. But my position as a designer (esp probably being the one with the most computer knowledge and freshest ideas) is goin to be a lot harder to leave for any sort of extended tour. I'm seriously torn. I mean, on one hand, I have a good job with fairly good job security, where I can do the design work that I like, but on the other hand I have the oppertunity of a lifetime. I find it hard to quit my 9 to 5 to pursue that dream, but at the same time, how can I pass it up? Ack, its so uncertain at this point!! Hopefully I'll have a better idea where both of those are heading in 4-6 months. At that point I'll probably be out of work at Greenworld (off season, not fired), and we'll have cut our first full length album and looking for the label that wants to sign us. So I guess it kinda comes down to how quickly we get signed, and what kinda tour they put us on. I dunno, thats an area I'll be praying alot about. Cause, yeah, when it comes down to it, I know which one I want more, but its also the one thats alot more uncertain and difficult to pull off successfully.
Ok, thats all I can handle for now, I'd best get back to washing this weeks laundry, and putting away last weeks laundry :S.
______ of the day: Even tho I hate pickles, I always seem to find myself in them.
The pickled (no, not that way) Ogukuo

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