I think staying up all night has allowed me to really think about life and come to some conclusions about it. And I mean general conclusions, of course, I still don't know any specifics. So tonights ramblings consist of three parts: pt. 1, moving on; pt. 2, job; pt. 3, the future.
Part one: Moving on. It suddenly struck me (since I've been trying to deny it for a while) that several of my closest friends will not be around next semester, or after that, in most cases. It brings a tear to my eye, literally. I have a few more weeks, and then those relationships as I know them are over. I want as much time with you (and you know who you are) now while I can. I guess that makes me selfish. Or human. But, this isn't all bad. I mean people moving away is, but we have a new roommate for next semester, and people basically lining up for this summer. May not sound like a big deal, but it is to me, being rather poor and wanting roomies to spread the wealth and to hang out with. Yay for people who are sticking around :).
Part two: The job. Yeah, this is an interesting one. I'm really enjoying it, sans ending my social life at 10 pm most nights. I enjoy the free time at work, I enjoy being able to bake at work (hopefully more of that in the future), and most of all I think I'm going to enjoy working with the boys. Obviously right now I don't have much contact with them, but I know I'll be working some morning shifts at some point, and perhaps even days sooner or later. And I'm looking forward to it. I know these kids can have behavioral problems, but from everyone has said, its alot of fun to work with them, and they are really great guys. I'm looking forward to finding out for myself.
Part three: The future. So, here it is. I'm a California boy. Always have been, and evidentally always will be. Living in NW Iowa for the past 6 months I've come to realize how much I miss California. A few nights ago I was driving into work and was on a rather flat part of the country side, and for some reason the lights and trees and whatever suddenly looked just like an area along a road out in the country I drive down frequently back in CA. My heart skipped a beat, I wanted so badly to be back there. And today I got a package from my parents that had fresh oranges from our orange tree in our yard, as well as polmagranates. I've been eating oranges all summer, and what I got tonight was 10 times better than the best orange I ever bought in a store here. I miss mountains, the ocean, fresh fruit, fresh vegitables, the weather, and all that goes along with those things. And a million other small things. Ok, I know, I do have a ton of reasons why I dont like CA, and they still stand, but man, I really really miss all the things on the plus side. I've come to the conclusion that for the sake of myself I'm gonna have to move back to California sooner or later if nothing else convinces me otherwise. Such as finding someplace better. Sorry to Iowa people, but Iowa ain't it.
So thats that. Lemme know what you think.
______ of the day: Easy come, easy go, but what if it doesn't come easy?
The _______ Ogukuo
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