26 December 2006

And now for something we hold you'll really like

So I celibrated my 2 dozenth Christmas yesterday. I've decided that the best part of Christmas is family. I got a few fun gifts, but the best part of the whole ordeal was card games and throwing around stories with all the cousins.
Heres one cousin and 4 first cousins once removed. Yup, theres a whole new generation of males in the Van Dyken lineage to carry on the tradition of lacking a girl. So far the tally is up to 6 in my generation and 4 in the next generation sans gf. Of course the oldest of the next gen is only a freshman in highschool, so they have some time.

Here's the parental units being all jolly and such.

Here's Grandpa. He was celibrating his 94th Christmas. Most of his gifts were chocolate, which he was more than willing to share :).

So one of my gifts was a new digital camera, which is to thank for new addition of pictures to my blog. Its a fun toy. Can't wait to get back and do some shooting around with friends at parties like everyone else. And I can show off all the pictures of my family and place of dwelling. I've finally given into digital, but of course, strictly for the reason of capturing memories. I'll stick to film for the artistic realm. Hopefully I'll capture some of that later this week. I hope to head up to the mountains and to see them and perhaps shoot a few shots. That is, assuming it clears up by then. Its supposed to be raining here tonight and tomorrow. At least its not terribly cold, somewheres in the 50s.
Ok, I suppose thats all I have for now. I'm sure I'll have more to say once I've gotten together with my old buddies later this week. Crazy times (such as a game of Risk) are always around the corner with this group!! Maybe even a rousing game of "remember in high school when..." Oh yeah, crazy dangerous group.
______ of the day: Commas are raining in the chit-chat area of sector G.
The Christmas'd Ogukuo

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