Wow, for the first time in 5 days I had a few free hours tonight where I wasn't working, sleeping, or driving between the two aforementioned activities. It was odd, I felt guilty sitting in the bean talking with friends. And at the same time, it was rapturous! Ok, dunno if thats a word, or if it is, if its slightly sputtonous. Probably not, oh well. It was like being at the townhouse on a weekend, but it was in the bean, the group of people was fun and exciting.
In a matter of 3 short hours I will be goin home to experiance a break of 40 hours from work, oh joy! And the highlight of those 40 hours will be the 1/2 hour I spend on stage tomorrow night at our show. Its been a while since we had a show, I'm glad we're having one again. Er, two again, since we have one on Sunday as well. And Jeff is back in town!! (or should be by this time, at least). So looking forward to seeing him. Hes one of those guys who I never really got to know, cause I met him too late and he left too soon, but I know hes a cool guy, and very much look forward to seeing him.
So I'm on two pages right now, one blogging, and the other looking at a Fender Jaguar. It is very pretty. And very expensive (by my standards). Wanna get me a Christmas present?? :) Ideally that will be my next big musical purchase, but who knows. If I actually start playing piano like I should and want to, perhaps I'll buy a decent keyboard first. And by keyboard I mean more like electric piano, or whatever you call those nice ones, not something that sounds like pain being delivered thru a 3 1/2 inch speaker. I should start taking lessons again not because I need to learn, but to force myself to actually practice.
Ok, I could go on, but then I'd never end, once again I apologize for a long post, and congradulate and thank you if you made it all the way thru.
_______ of the day: any one else like The Fray?
The in-the-dark Ogukuo
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