01 February 2008

I blog, do you?

So far my 3 day weekend is off to a rip roaring start!! I've bought two new toothbrushes, called my credit card company cause I couldn't remember my username for my account, and found out that I get to work this afternoon! Yay! Its cool tho, it means some overtime and a good excuse to not do the dishes. And theres some things I need to do at work anyway. Plus I only work 1 day between now and next Thursday anyway, so its not like I don't have time to get things done. Its odd, I'm more ok with working today because I was called in instead of scheduled. Just looking forward to having today off before finding out I would work was refreshing.
Job hunting stuff is going well (at least in my opinion). I've "finished" my resume and have a few letters of inquiry written. At this point I'm just waiting to hear back from people about what they think of the resume, etc, and whether I should change anything. The best part of the whole deal is that I figure I'd better buy a new shirt, tie, etc for any possible interviews. And of course, this means a good excuse for a trip to Sioux Falls! Thought about goin today, but working this afternoon kinda trumped that idea. Perhaps tomorrow. Anyone wanna come along? I don't think I've ever made a trip to Sioux Falls alone, my only worry is I'll stop at too many places I like and spend way too much money. Stupid materialism. Maybe I'll try a trip solo tomorrow and see if I can restrain myself...
______ of the day: Walmart has "fresh" fillet salmon, yay.
The weekend? Ogukuo

1 comment:

kara said...

It is a simple pleasure to purchase a new (well, hopefully new) toothbrush. I was thinking about that very thing this morning.