05 February 2008

So here's the deal...

I'm once again working on (and therefore blogging about) the job hunt. I am confident in myself. I know that I am a good employee (if you doubt me, look at my resume). The problem is, I'm not looking for farm work, an engineering position, an upper management position, or a receptionist/secretary position. And oddly enough, almost every single job listing online for the Lynden/Bellingham area is one of those jobs.
I was hoping to mail out about a dozen resumes this week, and so far I've found 2 solid places where I feel I want to apply. Neither is hiring as far as I know, so its more or less just a shot in the dark. I've found a few more places that are hiring, but are out of my area of expertise, or aren't exactly what I desire to do. Sadly, they are probably getting moved from the 'maybe' file to the 'need to' file.
I don't feel like I'm being picky, but I know I have qualities and interests that would make me awesome for a job in ______. There are alot of jobs that could fill that blank, I just can't seem to find any. I literally cannot find places to apply. I'm over qualified for nearly half the jobs, under qualified for nearly half the jobs, and can't seem to find the small sliver that this scenerio leaves for me.
When talking to people about this, there seems to be an attitude of 'you should lower your standards to find work'. This pisses me off. Not because I would mind driving a bus or working in sales (short term), but the jobs I would 'lower my standards' for would not use my talents. I'm good at something, and its not pushing an extended warranty.
I'm also almost 25 and need to start considering something a bit more long term. I don't mean that I need a job where I can settle into the same desk for the next 40 years, but I want something that will offer me some real experiance, and preferably some sort of point in a general career direction.
I have a degree in an area I'm not really interested in, and everything I can find requires "1-5 years experiance". I gotta start somewhere. I would be great at alot of jobs, but I simply don't know how to get into them.
Well, I'm off to tweek my resume a slight bit and post it on job sites. How do I write an objective for a job I don't know about?
_____ of the day: If I were an engineer or wanted to work in retail the rest of my life I'd be set.
The future unemployed Ogukuo


Nick said...

Just cause engineers can find jobs doesn't mean they're good jobs. I mean think about it, I'm gonna have to work with other engineers for the rest of my career days; why, that's just too much geek to think about at once.

rebekah said...

phil. a flying saucer hit your head?! and you had to go to the er!? was this a home thing or a work thing?...it makes me curious!

Andrea said...

You aren't unemployed yet. :)

Nick said...

I sent you potential jobs from Monster.com. It's my not-so-subtle way of telling you we want your Iowa-butt out here to hang with and cuddle with (well, hang and cuddle with you, not so much your butt).