15 February 2008

List blog!! Weeeeee!!!

-I had a dream about a family gathering at a cabin in the mountains last night. It was happy. Except my mom was freaking out about going to visit my Grandparents for some reason. Yeah, it didn't make sense in my dream either.

-I like Neon Bible alot. Alot. As in desert island with only one album alot.

-Hmm, maybe I'd need Dark Side of the Moon as well...

-Robin Williams shall never ever be cast as James Bond.

-Despite popular opinion leaning the opposite direction, I still prefer Sioux Falls to Sioux City.

-3 day weekends are pretty much the best thing ever.

-Eating healthy has been faultering recently... I shall try to change this.

-I used the word "renege" in my daily assessment writing yesterday, I am proud of this.

-I want to learn more about electricity.

-I completed my taxes without the assitance of a tax guy. Hopefully I did everything right and I don't have Feds hunting me down any time soon.

-I think I've liked every movie I've seen Dustin Hoffman in.

-I have a real hankering to do some winetasting.

-I enjoy argyle socks.

-The word argyle makes me think of gargoyles.

-A gargoyle wearing argyle could quite possibly be the coolest thing ever.

-Today is dedicated to doing not much. Some piano playing and perhaps some mad bass shredding shall happen.

-I hate dry winters, my skin is not soft, smooth, and itch free.

_______ of the day: argyle gargoyle

The itchy-yet-enjoying-time-off Ogukuo

1 comment:

Nick said...

-I think you are absolutely right and funny about the Robin Williams thing.

-I agree that Sioux Falls is superior.

-Regarding electricity, I hear the best way to learn is by practice :D Though I could recommend some good books if you want to do it the boring way.

-You know where it isn't dry all winter? Answer: West Coast.

-Know what else is on the west coast? Wine. Yah, it's true.

-I actually had to look up the word renege. Touché.

-I want my Philip-cuddles back.