13 January 2008

You, fly over there

I spent a sizable amount of time today looking at websites offering advice on resume building, interviews, career shifts, etc. Although I feel a bit more well versed in the various facets of this whole process, I don't feel any less scared of it. I also confused myself quite a bit by looking at some lists of interesting jobs that one wouldn't normally consider for employment. There weren't any in particular that jumped out at me (except one, I'll get to that in a minute), but it made me realize that theres alot more job choices out there that I realized. It makes me question my plan of seeking an office desk job. Yes, I would enjoy design work, but sitting at a desk all day every day would kinda drive me batty I think. The one job on the list of abnormal jobs that really stuck out at me was air traffic controller. The first thing I thought when I saw this was "who says 'I wanna be an air traffic controller when I grow up!'?". I mean, really, people want to be pilots, teenagers get stuck lugging bags around and working at airport crap stores, and I would assume that business majors work behind the airline counters and get yelled at all day. But air traffic controller? That one seems to be kinda out of left field. I fell off my chair when I saw the wages tho, median compensation is $117, 240 a year. Thats median!! It listed wages as high at $145,000 a year! I thought that was ridiculous, but it is a federal job, so that kinda makes sense. At this point I was quite intrigued and read a little more into the job, and I guess its pretty hard to get into the field. Training here, more training there, multiple years of on the job training, and a list of positions to move thru thats extremely long. Don't get the idea I've completely changed my career goal over the last 12 hours, but the job definitely piqued my interest.
And now I'm done.
_______ of the day: Just what does 'fair compensation' mean?
The still-searching Ogukuo

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