26 January 2008

Iowa weather is ADD

Thanks to all those who contributed job ideas, right now burning monkeys is near the top of the list.

For the past few weeks we haven’t gotten above 15 degrees. A lot of days weren’t above 5. Tomorrow and Monday are both supposed to be in the low 40s. And then Tuesday is supposed to be a high of 9. Yikes.

Resume work seems to be on the downward slope, its starting to look somewhat real and near completion. I guess that means its time to start the harder, more abstract portion of the job hunt. Working on the resume is relatively easy, I can see what I’m doing, and what needs to be done. Now I need to focus more on contacting places and getting my name out there. That’s a bit more of an abstract process. Should prove to be interesting. So far I’ve narrowed it down to four types of jobs I want to look into (besides those suggested by you, the reading public): architectural design work, banking, working at a winery, and a job working with kids in some facet. Kinda a varied selection, all seem interesting and challenging. Now it’s a matter of looking at these jobs and whether any of them is a possibility.

I am trying to keep up with the healthy eating thing, but its been difficult the last week or so. Mostly for reasons of time, and lack of variety of food. I’ve found some really simple, really awesome meals to make, but I’ve only found a few of them, and repetition is making things boring. It would probably be simpler if I were making food for more than one, but single serving recipes usually don’t fall into the healthy category. Surprisingly, the list of foods I consider good is growing to include spinach, garbanzo beans, fish, and asparagus. These are 4 things I would have considered untouchable in the past. Now I enjoy them, especially asparagus. And I just received a box of real oranges from California, so that has been a super neat treat.

______ of the day: My life needs a little salt and pepper. And some sleep.

The posting Ogukuo


Reido Bandito said...

You should get a job working with kids at a winery. Oh and burning monkeys on the side.

Protesting a funeral? I've no idear.

kara said...

Reid's suggestions are stellar. Burning monkeys... oh my gosh. Too funny.

If you want healthy, try liquid iron. It tastes like burning monkeys.