This post is for Kenny, because he just "found" my blog. Welcome Kenny, you are one of 3 readers :)
I'm currently reading (!!) a few books. First is For The Beauty of the Earth by Steven Bouma-Prediger, a prof at Hope college. Its kinda meh, it hasn't offered me any real insight or new ideas. Basically its a manual for Christian living in regards to God's creation. Sadly, it really only offers the basic stuff that anyone who took a few minutes to think would figure out. But, it all fairness, its been a good springboard cause its referenced alot of other authors I'm planning to look into. The second book is A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold. I'm only about 1/3 of the way thru this one, but so far its pretty good. The part I've read is Leopold describing his farm property in Wisconsin throughout the year. It more or less documents his actions taken to relate to and understand the land he dwells in. Its amazing the great observations he has made simply by taking the time to observe. Tree rings on a felled oak tree tell him of floods and fires of years past, bushes lacking berries and tracks in the snow tell him of a birds range during the winter months. Of course, anyone can look at tree rings or bird tracks in the snow, but how often do we actually take the time to think about what they mean? Take the time to look past the simple facts that they offer on the surface? Leopold laments that people no longer take the time to recognize their habitat. And that was in the late 40s! How much worse is it now? I can often go several days without spending any time outside save for short trips from the house to the car to work to the car and back to the house. We've let TV and computers and cell phones become what we do/who we are instead of getting to know the real world. I think Hobbes was right when he observed Calvin zoned in front of the TV and said that 'virtual reality is already here'. The world we know is so contrived.
But, once again, I'll let it rest for a while, I'd love to offer some deep, meaningful solution, but only the trite comes to mind.
______ of the day: Hurray cable doesn't exist in this house!!
The disconnected Ogukuo
Hi Phil. I've been lurking around here for awhile now. :) Good to know you're still alive, it's been awhile since the last post. Not that I can talk...whoops.
Your words make me feel guilty. I've been sitting in the coffee shop for 1 1/2 hours now...on the computer.
By the have time to update now (well, maybe not until this weekend, but then you definitely should).
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