12 September 2007

band, broom, and broccoli

Its the post-show blog!! Actually, post-show(S) blog, and I know its late. We played Friday night at the campus center, the boys came!! It was neat. Some break danced, er, broke danced, or, whatever break dance is in the past tense. But it was cool. And we played Saturday night sans Paul. It sucked playing without him, but fun to try something new. It was one of those "we know its probably just gonna go badly, so we're gonna have fun with it no matter what" type shows. And it actually wasn't half bad! I gotta sing, which was fun. I was kinda nervous, but once I got into it, I like to think I did well :). Made me feel important and like I had more credablility on stage.
Lesse, non-band developments as of late... Oh, I decided a few days ago to eat healthy for some reason. Its more or less on a whim. I dunno if I'll stick with it, hopefully. It hasn't been too bad, the food is good, but expensive! Don't get me wrong, I'm not eating "health food", but you know, real food, like fruit, vegtables, stuff that requires an oven, not a microwave. I'm gonna aim to give it a few weeks at least and see if I feel significantly better. If so, well, I may stick with it and see my food bill go up :S. I've also started keeping the house clean. As in picking stuff up and actually doing dishes on a regular basis! That feels good too, I like feeling like I have a space where I'm not embarassed to have people over. Its nice to sit in the living room in the evening and feel like I'm in a real house instead of a dumping grounds with a few couches thrown in. Maybe this cleaning thing will catch on here at the house and we'll have a group effort to keep our house looking nice! Or maybe the healthy eating and clean house things will pass in a week or two and I'll be back to eating whatever I can find in the freezer and pushing stuff out of my way as I wade thru the livingroom.
And now I go because besides shows and food and cleaning house I have no life to write about,
_______: Do you think I should do a mission trip to Guatemala?
The cleaned up, healthy (or at least pretending to be both) Ogukuo


kara said...

Keep up the healthy living... you'll see/ feel the change! Yes to the last question.... I will keep you updated.

Reido Bandito said...

Hmm. Healthy eating? Clean living? I've never understood them.
Guatemala? Whatever gets you out of Sux Center, man.

Andrea said...

So, where was this streak of cleanliness when I lived next door?

Unknown said...

Phil, I randomly stumbled onto your blog...very cool. It was so good to read something from back home! How is work going? I miss the boys! Eating healthy is definately a plus...I have resorted to Oreos...yum. Talk to you soon, also, my e-mail is bthchsnr@gmail.com if you ever want to say hey or give me an update about the boys!

Tony Hart said...

Hey fill it's Tony, Katie's boyfriend, I found you blog through Jeff's and read the portion about a missions trip. I would have to say ABSOLUTELY.