21 March 2007

Recording and such

So Day 1 of recording is over. And we pretty much nailed it. Drums are basically done, bass is done minus 1 song (and whatever little gaps are noticed later). Guitars seem to be pretty solid, just some filling in the gaps as well, and re-recording solo stuff to really nail it. Oh yeah, and vocals of course. But those are easy (I say that having no idea whatsoever if they are easy or not, cause I'm not a vocalist, and have never recorded vocals before). But all in all, it seems to be goin really well, and Mike the engineer seems to be really fricken good at what he does.
And now we get today off and head back up there tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it. Sometime next week I'll head back into the mac lab and come up with some sorta cover art, I've got some cool ideas, its just a matter of getting them out to see them.
An interesting thing is happening with this whole "spring break" thing happening. It seems those who are still around here over break will be the people who will be around here for the summer, and its kinda cool. I like the group of people who are here, and it seems that everyone is into camping and other fun stuff, so this summer should kick a. Granted, I'll miss the people who leave, but what can you do about that? Any way you look at it, this summer should involve lots of fun stuff like camping and trips to faraway distant lands such as Sioux Falls, but it should also involve fun stuff around home, like BBQs, pool parties, lots of movie nights, general hanging out, golf, and anything else thats cheap and fun to do.
I am hungry, time for breakfast.
______ of the day: I like Who's Next, its awesome
The recording, hungry, tired Ogukuo

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I'm tired. Hooray, camping!