17 August 2006

For the times, they are a changin'

Yesterday brought about some pretty major changes around these parts. Dane and Amanda are officially gone, one to quite possibly never been seen again, and the other not to be seen for a long time. At least from my perspective. I kinda doubt I'll see Amanda again (rarely, if ever), and Dane won't be back to these parts til next summer at the earliest it sounds like. And, I'm sad about the whole thing, to be honest. I mean, I'm happy for them, cause they are both onto awesomeness across the ocean, but I'm sad for the people still here. I know I'm gonna miss them. It's been a fun summer, and won't be quite the same without them. I know I'm not exactly part of the group, but they still made my life fun while I was here.
So, enough sappyness already. Had rehersal again last night with 3/4 of OJK. Got some good news too, Tom of the Benidict Affair is gonna be helping us out with promotion, etc. I guess he really likes us, so more or less started a independent label so he could promote OJK. Which is awesome. Looks like we're aiming to get started with a few shows right away when everyone is back, so look forward to more announcments about that.
And I got this afternoon off cause it started raining like mad. It was awesomeness.
________ of the day: um, over used, but I'll go with w00t!!1
The weekend Ogukuo


Andrea said...

At least you recognized that it was overused. And I heard some interesting news today. But I can't tell you because I'm not sure I am really supposed to know. Hee hee.

Andrea said...

I can't. That would be gossip.