Any of you heard of that? It’s a program where homosexuals (Christians, from the appearance of their website) go on a nation wide tour of Christian colleges speaking about homosexuality and its relation to religion/church/relationships with God. They are coming to Dordt March 8 and 9, I’m quite interested to hear what they have to say. I think its fair to say (not to mention obvious) that they will take the stance that homosexuality is not a sin and that those who have that sexual orientation deserve the same rights as the general population. And I’m guessing presenting such an idea at Christian colleges will probably get met with a lot of resistance, most of it wrapped in a rather unfriendly package. I’ve been reading a little bit of what people have to say on DordtTalk and the Facebook group for the event, and the general premise of it is that people are not in agreement with the messege that Soulforce (the organization behind the whole thing) is putting forth. Some of the arguments are well thought out, some are nothing more than inflammatory remarks that don’t promote healthy conversation.
If you have the time, I’d recommend looking into whats being said by both sides. I dunno the whole schedule of events, but stuff is happening March 8 and 9, and there seems to be ongoing discussions on both DordtTalk and the Facebook group for the event. Click here to see a bit of what Soulforce has to say, they have a few good articles online, the ones I read where about homosexuality in the Bible and how Dr. James Dobson views homosexuality (look under the resources tab). I’m not saying I agree or disagree with what they say or how they say it, just that knowing what they stand for is helpful in being in the discussion.
_______ of the day: Huh, I got nothing
The Ogukuo
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