After several months of religiously checking Craigslist and Property Management sites, Andrea and I have chosen an apartment to move into!!
Its on the outskirts of downtown Bellingham, on the corner of "H" St and Bancroft, if you happen to know Bellingham.
Its a two bedroom, 1.5 bath, one living room, one kitchen, upstairs apartment. Its got two smallish decks, one of which has a partial view of the Bellingham Bay!!
Its a 15 minute walk from downtown, and from the downtown bus station. Its a five minute walk from a small coffee shop, and has a small community theater across the street. Its a few blocks from the Lighthouse Mission, where homeless people are welcomed in. Its a 5 minute walk to a park with tennis courts, and the church where we have Tuesday night Chorale rehersals. Its a 20 minute walk to the marina, and another park down there.
The second bedroom will be perfect for visiting guests and dignitaries. So come visit!!
I'll try to post pictures once we've moved in (in about 2 weeks).
______ of the day: despite this exciting news, most of my joy right now comes from a wonderful morning of fellowship with friends at church.
The moving Ogukuo