11 March 2008

Today is a :)

To quote my father, spring has sprung.

-We hit 50 today. It was sunny, melty, clear, warm, calm, down right heavenly.

-I bought and have read over 1/2 a book today. I suspect I will finish it tonight, or maybe tomorrow morning. This is huge for me. I've read more pages today than in the last 6 months combined I believe.

-I talked with a gentleman from Bellingham last night who sounded very enthusiastic about my coming out there, and sounded eager to help me with my job hunt. This was a huge morale boost and really made me believe that I am starting to find a direction in my career that is becoming more solid.

-I recieved a package from my parents today that contained assorted Easter and birthday treats. This also suited well as a morale booster :).

-Yesterday was the first time in ages that I could smell a dairy here in Iowa. It reminded me of Lynden, Ripon, and a Sioux Center that exists outside of winter. All of these are happy thoughts.

-Some of what has contributed to my recent negativity seems to be in the process of being worked out. This is highly wonderful.

-I don't need to be up before the sun tomorrow, always a happy thought :).

-Going to the bean is in my near future.

-I think I may be going skiing at Mankato this weekend. If I go, it'll be the first time in many years. I'm very excited and hope that I will not be showing up to work in a body cast next week.

-In the last 3 days I have watched 3 previously unviewed (by me) episodes of The Office, season 1. Paul recieves good gifts for his birthday.

-I was outside in short sleeves today and totally comfortable!

-I found out that some people are actually sticking around for part of spring break, this is also happy.

-Yes, today is indeed a :). And with Spring (rapidly?) approaching, I hope that the :) continues!

______ of the day: The thought of BBQ is coming much closer to reality in the near future...

The Springy Ogukuo


Reido Bandito said...

What is your career/ what kind job are you looking for?

Alvin said...

lemme know about that bbq - let's make it big. like live music and entire congregations big.